At AOMS, our doctors specialize in oral and maxillofacial surgeries. We offer several methods of anesthesia to increase patient comfort during these procedures. Our doctors have completed many years of anesthesia training, including continuing education, to be qualified to administer anesthesia during surgical procedures.
When you meet with your surgeon to discuss your treatment, you will also discuss anesthesia options. Our first priority is your safety and comfort. Our doctors take the time to determine the best anesthesia for you based on your medical history, the surgical procedure, and your level of apprehension.
Local Anesthesia
Local anesthesia is effective for simple surgical procedures such as tooth extractions. It is also used along with other forms of anesthesia for more comprehensive patient comfort.
As part of your surgical appointment, your doctor uses the local anesthesia on the area where your surgery will be performed. You will remain conscious during the procedure but won’t feel pain.
Nitrous Oxide Sedation with Local Anesthetic
Nitrous oxide, commonly called laughing gas, is useful for surgical procedures such as wisdom tooth removal and the placement of dental implants.
Your oral surgeon administers nitrous oxide through a nasal breathing apparatus. You will be conscious during your surgery, but the nitrous oxide has a sedative and pain-controlling effect that will help you feel relaxed and comfortable.
Patients who have breathing complications should not use nitrous oxide. However, for most patients there are many benefits to using laughing gas during surgery. It is safe and effective, there is no “hangover” feeling after the procedure, and it works rapidly, with patients feeling relaxed and pain-free in as few as two to three minutes.
Intravenous Sedation with Local Anesthetic
Intravenous sedation is considered a moderate form of sedation and is sometimes referred to as “Twilight Sleep.” You can choose intravenous sedation for any type of oral surgery to help you feel comfortable, calm, and relaxed.
Your surgeon administers intravenous sedation using an intravenous line. The goal is to use the least amount of medication necessary to ensure your comfort during the treatment. Some patients may fall asleep completely, while others slip in and out of sleep.
In-Office General Anesthesia with Local Anesthetic
We offer general anesthesia for all types of oral surgery. Patients can choose general anesthesia for simple procedures if they feel anxious about surgery. Sometimes general anesthesia is necessary if local anesthesia fails to anesthetize the surgical site.
Your surgeon administers general anesthesia using an intravenous line. You will fall asleep and be unaware of the surgical procedure. We will provide supplemental oxygen through a nasal breathing apparatus and closely monitor your vital signs.
Hospital or Surgery Center Based General Anesthesia
Patients undergoing extensive procedures such as face and jaw reconstruction or TMJ surgery usually need this type of general anesthesia. It is also indicated for patients who have medical conditions such as heart disease or lung disease.
With this anesthesia option, you will be admitted to a hospital or surgery center where your anesthesia is administered and monitored by an anesthesiologist.