Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars that people develop in their late teenage years, the age typically associated with maturity and “wisdom.” However, many teenagers and young adults do not have enough room in their mouth to accommodate these wisdom teeth. To prevent complications, wisdom tooth extraction is an effective and popular procedure.
At Associated Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons, our oral surgeons are trained, licensed, and highly experienced in wisdom teeth extractions and providing various types of anesthesia for patient comfort.
If your dentist or oral surgeon has suggested wisdom tooth extraction, here are answers to common questions that will help you understand the procedure.

Why should I have my wisdom teeth removed?
The doctors at AOMS will conduct an oral examination and take X-rays of your mouth to evaluate the position of your wisdom teeth and determine if there are current complications or risks of future problems.
Some of the possible issues related to wisdom teeth include:
What if I wait to have my wisdom teeth removed?
It is much easier to remove your wisdom teeth and treat any associated complications if you are in your teens or early twenties. You will heal faster, more predictably, and have fewer risks if you are younger.
As you age and your wisdom teeth develop, the roots become longer and your jaw bone increases in density. This can make it more complex to extract your wisdom teeth. Additionally, the recovery process may take longer and there is a higher risk of complications.
What happens during the wisdom tooth extraction procedure?
We ask that you have nothing to eat or drink for at least six hours before your appointment. We may also recommend that you take medications to minimize post-operative pain and swelling.
On the day of your appointment, a parent or responsible adult will accompany you so they can drive you home and provide care for the rest of the day.
Before the procedure, your doctor at AOMS will administer the anesthesia option that you discussed at your consultation. Most patients prefer to be sedated so they are comfortable and unaware of the procedure.
Wisdom teeth extractions take about 30 to 60 minutes, and you will probably be in the office for 90 minutes total. Your oral surgeon will remove your wisdom teeth and use stitches if needed to help the area heal.
After your procedure, you will probably feel sleepy and will experience some pain and swelling. You should try non-narcotic anti-inflammatory medications first, such as ibuprofen, before trying prescription pain medication. We will also provide post-operative care instructions that will help you heal and feel less discomfort.
What if I have questions before surgery?
Your doctor will provide a comprehensive consultation to discuss your treatment plan. However, if you have additional questions we encourage you to call any of our locations to speak with a staff member or doctor who can provide the information you need. At AOMS, your comfort and care is our priority.