Category: Wisdom Tooth

Treating Your Impacted Tooth

An impacted tooth is simply one that cannot fully erupt, and instead only partially erupts, leading to issues with the alignment of the smile and major complications. Our team can bracket them into proper positions or if needed, extract them altogether. At your Maple Grove, MN, dental office, we can help

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Easing Discomfort With TMJ Treatment

When you experience daily discomfort related to your jaw and head, this could be due to issues like TMJ disorder. To avoid major discomfort and improper bite balance, we can offer treatment. At your Maple Grove, MN, dental office, our team can ease the discomfort of TMJ disorder and offer treatment,

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Extracting One Of Your Teeth

Losing one of your teeth is a natural process that occurs throughout most of our lives. In childhood, baby teeth fall out before more permanent adult teeth can replace them. In adolescence, we often remove wisdom teeth to prevent potential damage when they erupt and impact other members of our

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Rebuilding Your Smile Following Facial Trauma

When you or a loved one sustains a serious injury to the face or jaw, this could lead to major complications with your bite function, health, and your appearance. Our team of oral and maxillofacial surgeons can not only repair your facial trauma, but take steps to ensure an attractive

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All-On-Four Provides Same-Day Dentures

If you have lost all of your teeth, or most of them, then your oral health could suffer, as could your quality of life. But with the All-On-Four system, we can secure implant dentures same-day, so you can smile with confidence. Your Elk River, MN, oral surgery clinic can offer secure

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How Do We Place Same Day Teeth?

You may assume that when it comes to dental implant procedure, this is a timely process. After all, don’t you have to wait months in between implant placement and the attachment of your denture? Well, with Bar Attachment Dentures, also known as All-On-4, your Elk River, MN, oral surgery clinic

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When Your Smile Needs Bone Grafting

Following the loss of natural teeth, your body can resorb bone tissue in the jaw, weakening it and leading to an aged appearance. A weakened jaw could also be unable to support dental implants to replace your missing teeth. Which is why at your Elk River, MN, oral surgery clinic,

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Safely Performing Jaw Surgery

If your top and bottom jaws do not properly meet, jaw surgery, also called orthognathic surgery, can address the imbalance. This procedure can also help correct certain misalignments of your bite and lack of space for teeth within your jaw when traditional orthodontic treatments are not the answer. When you

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We Can Address An Impacted Wisdom Tooth

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are late arrivals to our smiles. Unfortunately, when they start to move into place, a lack of space in our mouths can create different issues. One of those issues is with the wisdom tooth becoming impacted and not erupting properly. There are different

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How Dental Implants Resolve Tooth Loss Issues

How much trouble can tooth loss cause? As far as your smile is concerned, the answer varies simply because some teeth are more prominent than others. However, when it comes to matters of your oral health, the loss of any tooth can have serious consequences. Once your smile is no

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